How to Write a Popular Data Science Blog

Advice from a Top Writer in Artificial Intelligence

Alexandra Amidon
5 min readJun 8, 2021

So you want to write a widely read article about Data Science / Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence?

In May 2021, I was recognized as a top writer in AI and was among the top 1000 writers in the Medium Partner Program. My older articles still continue to receive views and often appear in Google searches. (Scroll to the bottom for a screenshot of my stats).

Read along to learn some of the keys to my success.

I earned this badge in May 2021 once I started tagging my articles with “Artificial Intelligence”.

Selecting Topics

I first learned about Medium as a data scientist searching for specific topics in Data Science. The articles that caught my attention (and thus my read) were targeted towards that specific topic.

As a writer, I’ve found a lot of success in writing about topics that are not widely written about. There are two advantages to this:

  1. It catches the attention of regular Medium readers.
  2. It is more likely to appear in search engine results.

Write to yourself

At one time, I was reading a lot of articles about careers and roles in the data field but didn’t see anyone mention the role I fall into: full stack data science. So I…



Alexandra Amidon

Data scientist working in the financial services industry